Skellig Island is a remote, uninhabited island off the coast of Ireland, and as such, there are no permanent facilities or services on the island. Visitors should be aware that there is no drinking water, no medical services, and no cell phone coverage.
A trip to Skelligs is not for everyone, if you are elderly, are poor of footing, or are nervous about heights then this may not be for you. Skelligs Rock is open and exposed and you will have to climb over 600 hundred steps (original rock steps) with no handrails to get to the monastery at the top. Good walking boots are advised, (it's not a place for high heels and handbags) along with some sensible clothing. Visitors should also be aware of the wildlife on the island, as there are many species of birds, including puffins, guillemots, and razorbills, as well as seals and dolphins. Visitors should respect the wildlife and not disturb them.
Remember while it can be sunny on shore it can get a little cooler on the boat on the way out and at the top of the rock so wrap up well or bring some additional clothing with you. Be sensible, be aware of your surroundings, and enjoy the experience, it's one you won't forget and in my opinion, it ranks as the highlight of any trip around the Ring of Kerry.